Monday, May 31, 2010

MOBILE PHONE, a dominant items in eLandscape future

Time is flying. I have been writing this blog for a month already. It is the first time I have tried this kind of work. I usually hide my own work from others. My English is bad, so I don’t want to embarrass myself. I have gained lots of experience by writing the blog. I learned how to response for each topic. I have a chance to explore and share my ideas to others. I don’t know that my thought is right or wrong and good or bad but it is a great whole new experience.

As from my previous entry, I think social media or e-culture offer many different things to human living on this earth. I felt that we are so lucky to born within this period. Let’s imagine 50 years back. How can people from Australia and Asia communicate? How do they live without Internet or mobile phone? What do they do while riding the train or tram? I always stated in my earlier entry that technology has overcome human life. Which area of Social media is set to dominate the eLandscape in the future? From what I have learned from this unit, the most stands out topic would be mobile phone. I think human today cannot live without that small machine or in other word ‘smart phone’.

Can you live without mobile phone? My answer is no. This media product will definitely developed into a higher level, which means it will capture more people attention. It will sure offer more function or tool in the future. People will not be able to live without them. They are so important in our live. We will lose in communication if we don’t have one. In what criteria help you decide on which mobile phone you should buy? I desperately want Blackberry right now. Why do I want it? Blackberry is a smart phone. New technologies get ever smaller and more powerful (Levinson, P. 2009). You can upload or chat via Facebook at anytime. It is a time killer. People don’t have to carry their laptop anymore. With Blackberry, technology is in your hands.

This small technology offers convenience and entertainment at the same time. We would say that, with the iPhone, for the first time, we had a technology specifically designed to enable not just new media but new new media literally at the user’s disposal, any place the user happen to be (Levinson, P. 2009). Personally, one of the reasons I think mobile phone will be able to dominate in eLanscape in the future is privacy. It allows user to take them to the bed, even in the toilet. We will be able to access to all the entertainment tools whenever and wherever we are or like.

As everyone know that Japan is the world leading in high technology. Before iPhone or Blacberry was invented, Japanese people are able to use the Internet on their mobile already. However, you can find an iPhone in Japan. Even though, the iPhone lacks other technology long available on Japanese cell phones, such as digital TV broadcasts, a built-in camcorder, voice recognition and an "electronic wallet" function, it provided a global standard.

Can you see how Japanese people react to this new media product? Even though, their country has already provided an amazing technology for them. People are excited about new technology everyday. This small item is getting more powerful. According to Kageyama’s article, Japanese is still going to stick to Japanese old-style phone, as it creates a community and other unique functions. People will not be able to survive without one. We are incapable to escape from this technology, as we are living among it functions such as Internet access, cameras, MP3 player or even alarm clock.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Documentary, a small part in media industry

All time favorite documentary

I watched film, animation, cartoon and TV series but I rarely watch documentary. I can count a number of documentaries I watched per years. Documentary ranks at the bottom for my favourite media product. However, one of the most memorable documentaries for me is ‘March of the Penguins’. The documentary is so touching. I cried every time I watch it. Even though, there is no story line or script, it was fabulous. March of the Penguins was released in 2005, which $ 127 millions of American viewer (Thomas & Wilma de, 2008). It is usually hard for film documentary to attract such a huge amount of audience. There was another documentary I watched in high school, which a couple years back, but I cannot remember it. As a young teenager, I found documentary is such a boring entertainment product; however, my opinion changes as I grown up.

Documentary becomes one of tool that provides enormous knowledge. Have you ever seen the documentary called ‘Inside undercover in North Korea? This National Geographic’s documentary will make you treasure your own country. You will be grateful to be born outside North Korea. Documentary gives different feeling with film. It offers a realistic story and environment. There is an absent of Hollywood star. I think this is one of the reasons that documentary does not reach what they are aiming for. According to Ana Vicente (2008:271), the relatively uncommercial aspects of documentary throughout history have forced the genre to the continuous search for its ideal platform. Documentary is not a money maker as much as film. By referring back to March of the Penguins, there were only a few successful documentaries from 2002 -2006.

Thomas & Wilma de, 2008

A major effect of documentary is fund, distributed and viewed; however new technology offer more chance for documentary maker. Advance in technology first changed the way in which film produced; now, technology advance are transforming the way in which the film reach their audience (Thomas & Wilma de, 2008). Film that always superior documentary stand in the same position. By having new cheap and convenience platform – VoD (DVD and Video on Demand) to gain audience as a long establish business models for documentaries.

How about online documentary? I think online documentary offer a great opportunity for people to do a freedom of speech. Technology is still the main scenario for this. In the context of this burgeon doing world of online video, documentary has a place, but it has to be consider in a wider sense than in film and on television (Thomas & Wilma de, 2008). There is a limit in length and amateur production value. Everything will be found and download online. This makes the Internet become hero. I have been watching one of documentary from my country. He would update his clip every week. I have never imagines to enjoy and have fun with someone daily life story but its fun and enjoyable. It became everyday activity for many people, which we can call them ‘vlogging’. It is a great idea of throwing your though to public. Youtube is the most valuable place for those online documentary film makers.

Here is my favourite online documentary maker. He gives funny conversation. The video was record during red shirt protest in Thailand. I think this is benefit of online documentary. It give an ability for people to talk or comment on everything, even though it risky. Personally, I think online documentary maker wants to share their experience with others around the world. Sometime, their story can be useful, some people may learn from their freedom of speech.

There is no right or wrong to publish your thought through online documentary. It is a potential for all voices to be heard as the Internet is such an open space. You would not know a number of people go online during midnight. It allows word to spread from one to other. I think online documentary provide a space for people to speak freely. People can show their true feeling toward many issues. It is also show other side of the world that we might not know.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mummy, I want my iPhone

Are you addicted to mobile phone? How long have you been on mobile phone per day? How many text messages you text per day? Have you ever get tired of talking on mobile phone? For myself, I rarely talk on mobile phone. I prefer face to face communication. This may sound strange to people living in 21st century but I found it annoying. I had my first mobile phone when I was 14, which a couple years ago. I am now in my early twenty. My uncle bought it for me because I was going to study aboard. I still remember how excited I felt at that time. However, I still cannot live without the mobile phone. I will be nervous for all day if I left my mobile at home. When did mobile phone become so important to human life?

From that time on, I just realized that mobile phone had developed into a higher technology. Everyone has mobile phone that contains camera, radio, video or e-mail. We have the technology that people use to read, write, see, hear and produce new new media–the device, in other word, that we hold in our hands when we work and play with new new media. A desktop, laptop, or cellphone or cellphone-like device is engaged any time someone reads or writes a blog, views a video on Youtube or sends and receives a tweet (Levinson, P. 2009). I am totally agreed with this idea. It is a feature that offers by new new media.

This lead to a topic of this week – Will the mobile phone screen become the dominant screen of the 21st century? Do we really need another screen to view movies, take photos, design art and access the Internet? What do you think? When iPhone was launched, I desperately want to get one. One of my friend got iPhone only one week after it launch. She kept telling me how good iPhone is and she was trying to encourage me to buy one. This video clip from Youtube shows how much technology has overcome people live. People became mad about new technology that would make their life trendier, easier and faster. According to Levinson, we would say that, with the iPhone, for the first time, we had a technology specifically designed to enable not just new media but new new media literally at the user’s disposal, any place the user happen to be.

Personally, those application offers by smart phone are essential. I found it as an entertainment tool. I have to take the train to university and it takes me one hour to get there. I don’t like to sleep on the train, so those applications provide by new technology on mobile phone help a lot. I can listen to music, watch video, chatting on Facebok or look up latest photo of my friend with only one small item. I think mobile phone offer convenience for people. Mobile phone is such a time killer. It’s killing those boring time while riding the train. A wireless device, wether cellphone, Blackberry or iPhone, makes all of those formerly useless places useful (Levinson, P. 2009). I can also store my favourite movie scene and watch them while I am on the train.

New technologies get ever smaller and more powerful (Levinson, P. 2009). On of my friend is not writing down her appointment or any information anymore. She rather uses her Blackberry to take a photo of it. She would take a photo of document she wants to print. It is convenience but what if her mobile phone dies? What will she do? This is one of negative side of those smartie items. Since iPhone, Blackberry and other smartphone offers many tool and function, people decrease their interest in other media such as cinema, newspaper, book or TV. I think this shows a negative effect to our way of living. For example, I used to read newspaper to get myself update with the world current issue but I am now checking everything on the Internet. It saves time and money but I read less than before. As people do not read article on the website but there are actually scanning it. I will look for information that I want to know and that’s it. I move on to other website.

For me, those application offers by iPhone, Blackberry or other mobile technology are useful. It is not wrong to use another screen to view movies, take photos, design art and access the Internet. However, we need to control ourself when using it because they may cause trouble for other people. It takes us only a few minutes to download the movie from the Internet. Let’s think about those producers who spend time writing a script and filming for years. Also, paparazzi photos are all taken by this small technology.

This video clip calls ‘Micro Movie’. It is a short film which user can download and store them into their own smartphone. The quality is great. The story line is fantastic. It short and powerful just like mobile phone small but powerful.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Broadcast Yourself

Internet offers many different kind of information. It offers people the useful information to the most non-sense issue. There are lot of information provided on the internet. I always go on internet to look for something. My favourite singer song lyric or a photo of my favourite place. It is up to date and fast. As being an overseas student in Australia internet is a valuable source. I used internet for a couple reason entertainment, news and education. In order to keep myself update with a situation in my country internet is the right place.

Youtube is always a place I wander around every time I’m on the internet. Youtube seems to be a popular topic for a part few years. My latest entry was also about Youtube. Likewise, I am still focusing with it this week. Even though, I use internet for many reason but one of the are that I have never touch is ‘politics’. As I stated in my earlier entry that I always close my eyes and ears whenever this topic appear in front of me. I still see politic as a boring story. However, since my country is dealing with political issue at the moment. I am starting to pay attention on it.

I begin to watch my country political situation on Youtube. This website is actually change people life. Youtube can be used effectively by any industry. Politic is also one of the industries that effectively used this online page. According to Paul Levinson book, Youtube’s trademark, along with it logo, ‘Broadcast Youself’ allow people to explore their idea and ability with anything. This site is usually used by political parties and politicians but there is also the danger of political figures being subjected to ridicule through satire and parody (Blackboard, view 2010).

Have you ever seen this video clip? If not, please check it out.

What are benefits? This parody video of Barrack Obama actually changes his life. This clip was published on Youtube in June 2007 and attracted over 17,636,281 people from around the world right now (Youtube, view 2010). The video, at the very least, showed, Obama as someone cool, interesting and attractive. The trend held trough the November, 2008 general election, in which at least 50 percent of 18-to-29 year-olds voted in America for the first time since 1972, and 66 percent of them voted for Obama. Obama was elected to be a recent President of United State of America because of this parody clip. This is unbelievable. I have to say that Youtube is such a powerful medium even in political area. It gives a chance for people to show their talent and ability, with somebody actually achieve their dream by posting a clip on the site.

What about the disadvantage? According to Crush on Obama clip, there are also video clip that relate to politic but representing in a negative way. Youtube allow everyone to be a producer, so people can do whatever they like. It is free and open space for everyone. Anything recorded via any audiovisual device is a candidate for universal dissemination on Youtube (Levinson, P. 2009). I also agreed with Levinson that Youtube clip stay in publish for years – in effect, forever. Let’s watch this video. Personally, I will be mad if I am Sarah Palin. This clip kills an image of her. How would you feel if someone is making fun of yourself? Would you feel happy? I don’t think so. I also think that this will be able to ruin her career.

I think Youtube offer both advantage and disadvantage. It is a good place to share ideas and knowledge but for political I think Youtube is not a save place. They will not be able to control the producer around the world. Politicians have to be careful with this technology. Can this be one of culture jamming? Yes, it can be, by making fun of famous people and embarrassed them. This is how culture jamming work. Human invented this technology for our convenience and entertainment but now we have defended ourself from it. How pathetic? Social media is such an open space, especially for people involve with public issue like politician, actor, singer or celebrity.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Producer VS Produser

How many Youtube video have you seen per day? My answer is uncountable. I am addicted to Youtube. I found it like an amusement park that offer lots of thing to be involve. There are many different things that wait for me to explore. I watch Youtube everyday. I watch more than 10 videos per day. Is that insane? I think Youtube is where people have an opportunity to bring out their talent or ability. It is also a place that people are able to learn something new. I think Youtube is a place that offer people knowledge as well as entertainment issue.

I actually learn Korean and by watching Youtube’s clip. I watched TV show that my favourite Korean singer or actor and actress appeared as a guest. I learn their everyday conversation. It also makes me pay for Korean language class. There is also a parody video clip that caught my attention. Those parody clips are all fantastic. I think they are very creative, even though it’s not their original idea and work. The original one is good but those parodies offer something different.

According to Bruns (2008) “There is an absence of producers, distributors, or consumers, and the presence of a seemingly endless string of users acting incrementally as content producers by gradually extending and improving the information present in the information commons, the value chain begins and ends (but only temporarily, ready for further development) with content.” Have you ever heard of this word “produsage”? What is it? According to, in the online, networked, information economy, participants are not simply passive consumers, but active users, with some of them participating more strongly with a focus only on their own personal use, some of them participating more strongly in ways which are inherently constructive and productive of social networks and communal content. These latter users occupy a hybrid position of being both users and what in traditional terms would have to be described loosely as producers: they are productive users, or produsers, engaged in the act of produsage.

I think Youtube is a great sample of produsage. It is a place where people can throw their idea around on wether it’s their original work or parody. This video clip ‘Hitler find out there is no Santa’ is such a wonderful example. There are 208,405 watched this video and more than 50 comments. People who create this video see as a creative thinker to me. I think this kind of work need a load of creative skill. She or He uses a benefit out of the original producer. However, these kinds of video clip can say as a stolen piece of idea or work. They extend and improve the original work and it is still view by many people around the world. Also, I agreed that the value chain begins and ends with the content.

This kind of work is such a new form of media product. It cost cheaper and easier to access. There is no copyright to worry about. People can view it anytime and everywhere. However, it is not the right thing to do, as if you think back to the original producer. How much time do they spend on each project? How much research do they have to do when filming just one 2-3 minutes TV commercial, music video or movie? How much do they need to pay for the location of filming? How much time do they spend on the script? If you think of this kind of question, you will feel very sorry for them. I felt bad for them to see their work get stolen, even though I enjoy it so much. Again I think technology offer many opportunity for people to do thing. Technology allows us to make thing easier and faster but it also bring back painfulness to some people. I think it is very hurtful when seeing your idea has been taken by others. Personally, that is how technology pays back on us and we cannot escape from it.